Client Log In

Welcome to the II-AU online Audit Management and Issue Tracking tool. If you have an account you may Log In.



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Bear in mind that if your login remains inactive for a period of time, you will automatically be logged out and returned to the Log In screen before you can continue working in the system.

What Do These Tools Do?

The tools are designed to save time and money when planning, carrying out and reporting on Audits while providing a platform to centrally manage all arising tasks & actions. The tools are designed to enhance efficiency by allowing workloads to be spread amongst your Teams and to ensure that report writing is automated almost to the point of elimination.

Many hours of time will be saved by your organisation using these included features:

  • Multiple sites and departments allow you to configure the audits according to your business
  • You can assign audits and checks to be done in specific departments by specific people
  • Adjusting an individual audit or check sheet schedule can be achieved in three mouse clicks
  • Each user has a unique login so you can track who does what
  • Audits can be completed in the workplace and if required written up immediately
  • Any issues arising can be logged and allocated to a responsible person immediately
  • Each user has their own issue tracker and task manager so they can focus on their work
  • As issues are resolved, Audit Reports are dynamically and immediately updated
  • Visual Management colours are used to identify where focus is required
  • Audit Reports are generated automatically and dynamically - never again will one be wrong or out of date, and it takes 4 mouse clicks to find one.
  • Everything done in the system is retrievable and auditable, you can even assign external auditors to peer into the system and audit your progress and actions!

If you do not have an account yet you can create one now !